Technological Educational Institution (TEI) of Athens Department of Electronics Laboratory for the Study of Electrical Properties of Materials
- Τηλ.:
- Email:
- Διεύθυνση:Prof. Cimon Anastasiadis, TEI of Athens, Dept. of Electronics, Athens 12210, Greece
- Πρόσωπο επικοινωνίας:Cimon Anastasiadis
Πρόσωπο επικοινωνίας:Cimon Anastasiadis
Διεύθυνση:Prof. Cimon Anastasiadis, TEI of Athens, Dept. of Electronics, Athens 12210, Greece
2η Διεύθυνση:Prof. Dimos Triantis, TEI of Athens, Dept. of Electronics, Athens 12210, Greece
Fax:+30 2105316525
Basic and applied research|