4th NCNDT of HSNT and 2nd BCNDT of BSNDT
The participating Authors of scientific papers
for the 4th N.C.N.D.T of HSNT and the 2nd B.C.N.D.T
at Athens the 2nd November 2002
Dear Colleague,
We thank you for your participation in the above conference and we are pleased to inform you that your paper has been accepted from the scientific committee, for an oral presentation, according to the attached program.
You are, therefore, kindly requested to submit your final full paper in electronic as well as in printed form until the end of July 2002, in order enable us to issue in time the minutes.
We let you know that the full paper, including the figures should not be more than 10 pages and should be written as follows:
In a margin of 2.5cm on all sides in A-4 paper, written with Times New Roman of 11 dots, in single line spacing.
Please send same to E-mail: prasian@central.ntua.gr and at the same time the printed-paper and if it is possible the electronic CD by post.
The official languages of the conference will be the Hellenic and English.
All authors are obliged to give a comprehensive summary of two pages in English for the abstract Booklet.
For the steering committee
The President of HSNT
Ioannis N. Prassianakis
Assoc. Professor at the NTUA

The Zografou Campus can be reached in the following ways:
- With public means of transportation
- With NTUA’s mini-Bus
- With private means
In the first case, the buses that serve the Zografou campus of NTUA leave from:
222 – Akadimias Street and the bus number is 222, Athens-Zografou line. For NTUA get off the bus at the ‘8th of Zografou’ stop and walk to the “upper” gate of the campus, which is the one at Iroon Polytechneiou 9, near the Lambadario building (Rural and Survey Engineering).
242 – Katehaki St. (Metro) – NTUA Campus (and back)
140 – There is also the bus line (number) 140 for Polygono (Glyfada) which leaves from the Evelpidon Court of Law, and stops near the “lower” gate of the campus, on the cross of Katehaki Av. and Kokkinopoulou St. You can also get on this bus at the intersection of Mesogeion Av. and Katehaki Av., where it also stops. The disadvantage in using this bus is that one has to walk for about 15 minutes, from the “lower” gate to the buildings of the campus. On the other hand, the advantage is that most of the cars pass through that gate and someone might give you a ride!
The accuracy and time tables for these buses, is not the responsibility of NTUA but of the Public Means of Athens Transportation Organization (OASA). If you have any queries or complaints, call phone number 185.
In the second case, the time table of NTUA’s mini-bus is:
Patision Complex | 07:15 | 09:15 | 11:15 |
Zografou Campus | 08:05 | 10:15 | 14:30 |
In the third case, you must keep in mind that cars (taxis or private) can enter the campus only through the entrance near Katehaki Avenue (see Campus Map). This is until smartcards, that will allow access to the campus through the Zografou gate, are made available.